Nice work Casper, you're really improving!
The bass is more audible here, same with the pads, although most of the synths still sound a little bit shy. It almost sounds like you've created room for vocals or a lead synth. I think it might be a lo-fi habit 😄
This next part is personal preference and I'm not really sure how to explain it lol,
but I think it would really help capture that synthwave vibe if you use synths with a very "80's-movies-soundtrack" aesthetic (mostly sci fi).
how to tell if the synth has an 80's aesthetic?
Not sure, I just know it when I hear it lol, that's why it's hard for me to explain.
You've added your own unique style to the genre, like a mix of lo-fi and synthwave, and It's a very cool sound. Keep it up man!