I love the animations 😆
I love the animations 😆
Was not expecting any of that lmao XD
This is awesome even by today's standards
So this is what inspired the gameplay of final fantasy 15
Really fun game, I love the music (The 6/8 beat is amazing) and color palette.
48 was my best lol
This would make a very addicting mobile game
Thanks! The song is actually by Beethoven and remixed by Joth from Open Game Art
We would love to publish it on mobile!
did it have 1 million views before or after pewdiepie played it?
its great but where have i seen this before
the animation, artwork and probably everything about the game was awsome. but the story is very similar to death that of "death note".
I like to play video games and chew bubble gum.. and I'm all out of gum.. and video games 😑
Game Dev / Musician
Joined on 2/10/11